Logos, Thumos & Code

Let’s write some code

Back to basics

During the past few years my work as a software engineer has involved less low level, algorithmic coding, and more high level strategy, architecture, dependency and team interactions. While that makes sense as careen progresion (I have more impact that way), the truth is that I miss coding things from scratch.

Also, with the coming of our AI overlords, I keep on hearing that these skills, that I’ve spent years improving, are going to, if not disappear, become less relevant. In the not so far future, we will be able to pay a fee to one of the remaining AI providers, and ask an agent to generate our app, and set up a new business from scratch. In that world nobody will need to look at code anymore!

Well, maybe that’s true, or maybe that will never happen. Either way, I will still enjoy writing software, learning, and experimenting, so I’ve decided to go back to basics, pick up a language I’m not familiar with (common lisp!), and just play around, experiment, open some black boxes and re-invent some wheels!

As a way to force me to digest my thoughts, and keep momentum, I’ve also decided to start this blog. Who knows, it may be interesting to look back after a few months and see what I’ve been doing!

So this is it. The first entry. It will not be very polished, probably will contain more than a few mistakes, but that’s the point! I’ll be learning and hopefully having fun along the way.